Fine Arts Booster Meeting

Present: Susie Meyer, Cindy Swenson, LeAnn Sawyer, Dorinda Steel, Kari Bigalow, Melanie Sittig, Mr. Talcott

Goals of the group/meeting

1. Promote fine arts at BVHS
2. Fund raise when necessary
3. Determine which groups will be represented by group
4. Get input/ communication from instructors
5. Provide communication to parents concerning opportunities to volunteer and be involved

Mr. Talcott voiced his goals for the group

1. Get a set of parents to represent each area of the arts (chorus, drama …)
2. Develop a Wall of Fine Arts
(Parents provide 8x10. We provide plaque and frame)
3. Work with Kevin Brick to further develop the fine arts programs
(possibly sell advertising and develop a theater program)
4. Help with individual performances (treats etc)
5. Will there be a conflict with band and athletic boosters especially concerning fund raising?

The group discussed several ways to promote the fine arts

Dinner theater?
Madrigal dinner?
Variety Show?

Selling prepaid theater passes for a group of performances? (it was noted that the majority of our performances are currently free)

Developing a flyer that would promote Fine Arts, sell advance seating, and/or ask for help with food, props, donations… This could be sent out at the beginning of the year or with the Community Ed brochure.

Develop a theater program to be handed out at performances. Sell advertising for this.

Short Term Goals

What are the needs for the One-Act Plays?

* Concession workers for candy and flowers at evening performance (Susie designed candy wrappers to go over candy bars that personalize our play and can be given to performers as gifts)
* Backstage food for the Wed. morning school performances (Susie will call parents to bring cereal, fruit, breakfast bars, juice, and water
* Mrs. Sittig will find out if meals need to be provided for the day of competition in Sioux Falls.
* Mrs. Sittig asked if she should continue to run the concessions, or if this group would take over that responsibility. It was agreed that this group would take over concessions

Groups that will be represented by this parent group

Oral Interp

Does anyone have full cast pictures of the past musicals that could be framed and matted for the theater hallways?

Chairman Susie Meyers
Secretary Cindy Swenson
Treasurer Kari Bigalow

Put notice in the school newsletter asking for parent volunteers to represent each fine art group at these Booster meetings.

Kari will look into opening a checking account

Next Meeting - Feb 16 6:30

Fine Arts Boosters


Members present: Susie Meyer, Cindy Swenson, Barb Wetrosky, Glenda Walth, Sarah Milbrandt, Brian and Gaylene Mielke. Marta Sewell, Rhonda Britzman, Tim and Jackie Polzin, Cindy Bakke, Chad Nelson

The group discussed plans to develop a playbill to be used at the upcoming school musical. Discussion included:

How much do we charge for ads? ($25 for Ľ page, $50 for ˝ page?) Prices would be lower this year since the playbill would probably only be used for the musical. Prices may be higher next year if a playbill could be developed earlier in the school year and used for multiple performances.

Glenda Walth volunteered to chair a committee to write articles about our actors and actresses in the play to use in the playbill.

Kris Hasse at Express Photo and Printing has been contacted to print the playbill. She will also do the layout. She needs 2-4 weeks to complete the project. Price would depend on the size of the playbill. If necessary could the school print the playbill?

Mr. Nelson would like to have the art club involved in the cover. Check with Mr. Brick on copyright guidelines.

Will Perri Robbins chair the committee to solicit ads? Jackie Polzin said that she has price guidelines and forms used by the band for their advertising. A letter needs to be drafted to send to prospective businesses regarding ads for the playbill.

Businesses that were suggested as possible contacts were: dance studios. piano teachers, music stores, businesses of cast families…

Mr. Nelson informed us of the formation of the Art club. This club will take students outside the school environment, give them exposure to vocational opportunities, and give them opportunities to work on projects outside of class. Students will be given the opportunity to "letter" in art.

Is there currently a literary art magazine at BVHS? Glenda Walth would be interested in helping to get this developed.

Concessions for the One Act Plays broke even financially. Since pop needed to be bought by the canister, a large portion was wasted due to the small number of sales. Should we look into selling small cans of soda in the future during this type of performance? There were several requests for water.

We need someone to chair the committee for concession sales.

Sarah Milbrandt volunteered to head the committee to look into food and treats needed backstage during the Guys and Dolls performances.

Cindy Swenson and Rhonda Britzman volunteered to head the Flower Sales Committee for Guys and Dolls.

Susie Meyer will write a letter to the parents of students involved in fine arts asking for volunteers and explaining the needs of this club.

A request was discussed to include the dance team under the Fine Arts Booster Club . Questions were raised over whether or not they were already covered by the athletic boosters.

Tim Polzin and Cindy Bakke volunteered to take over the co-chairmanship of the Fine Arts Booster Committee. Thanks Tim and Cindy!!!

The next meeting will be March 5th 2005 at 12:00pm in the HS school commons. Any parent who has a child involved in the fine arts is welcome to attend.


 Fine Arts Booster Club


Members present: Tim and Jackie Polzin, Susie Meyer, Cindy Swenson, Barb and Steve Wetrosky, Glenda Walth, Sarah and Kim Milbrandt, Brian and Gaylene Mielke. Martha Sewell, Rhonda Britzman, LeAnn Sawyer, Kari Bigelow, Cindy Bakke, Terry Gullickson, Kevin Brick

A Mission Statement for this organization was voted upon and accepted. Our mission statement reads as follows:

To Enhance The Fine Arts Experience for Brandon-Valley School District Students by coordinating parent support, assisting with performances, and providing financial support that might not be available.

Playbill Update:

Carmen Dyar was unanimously approved to do the layout of the playbill at cost of $600.00. Hiring Carmon gives us 2 extra weeks to sell ads before sending them to the printer.

Alpha Graphics will print the playbill for $1850.00

We need to sell 38 pages of ads @ $50.00 /page to pay for the printing, and plan to pay for the layout with donations. Sales and donations are coming along and expected to meet the deadlines.

We will continue to look for "Charter Patron " donations.

Sara Milbrandt is working on writing Senior profiles to insert in the playbill.


Susie Meyer will chair fundraising.

She will ask art, chorus, and orchestra students to sign up to work concessions for the musical, and contact Jubilee for candy, pop and water.

We discussed the possibility of serving cookies and coffee after performances in the future.

Cindy Swenson has contacted Jubilee Floral. They agreed to supply us with flowers to sell at the musical at a 30 percent commission.

The art department is interested in making wrappers for candy bars that incorporate a "Guys ‘n Dolls" Theme.

Cindy Bakke is responsible for acquiring Facility Use forms for tables etc.


Tim will e-mail Mr. Talcottt and ask him to find out which members of the staff would like to be supported by this organization. (chorus, drama, orchestra, visual arts, literary arts??)

We believe that Dance is covered under Athletic Boosters.

Guys ‘N Dolls:

Mr. Brick was asked what he would like assistance with during the musical.

*Hang advertising posters around community (LeAnn Sawyer)

*Help with costumes on Saturdays

*Kirk Strand volunteered the Assembly of God Church for the cast party on Sunday evening. We need to have 135 flyers made up for the cast to inform them of this. (Cindy Swenson)

The Strands also have provided the cast with pizza at dress rehearsal. Perhaps we could help with that.

Chaperones are needed for the cast party. (LeAnn Sawyer will organize a party committee)

*Snacks/water are appreciated before performances. (Sarah Milbrandt had a sign up sheet for that)

Martha Sewell reported on an art competition at Augustana College. Artwork by BVHS’s Allison Sewell was chosen to be used for the cover of the program!

Next meeting March 19th @1:30 in the BVHS Commons
All parents and teachers who are interested in promoting Fine Arts at BVHS are welcome!


 Fine Arts Booster Meeting


Members Present: Tim and Jackie Polizin, Martha Sewell, Kari Bigelow, Susie Meyer, Leann Sawyer, Sarah and Kim Milbrandt, Cindy Swenson

Treasurers report:


One Act Play Revenue $158.06

Playbill Advertising 750.00

Donations 630.00

Total Deposits $1,538.06


One Act Play $178.51

Checkbook Balance $1,359.55


Ads have been sold, layout is complete, and the playbill will go to the printer on Monday.

$1815 worth of ads were sold.

$1095 was received in donations.

$2910 will cover printing at Alpha Graphics and the $18/ ad to Carmen Dyar for layout. (Carmen usually charges $37 )

Patrons of the Arts (donations) will be listed on the back cover. We would also like to list them in upcoming playbills and recognize them as Founding Patrons. Any donations received before June 1st will be included as Founding Patrons. Deadline to be listed on the Guys ‘N Dolls cover is Monday March 22nd.

Because of space limitations members unanimously voted to include only senior profiles in the playbill. A wall display will feature junior cast members.

Thanks to the wonderful committee who put this project together in a extremely limited amount of time!!!!


Jubilee will supply candy for concessions, charging $.35 /package. They will let us return any unopened cases.

18 cases of water will be ordered.

7 canisters of fountain pop will be ordered from Coca-Cola Bottling (2 Coke, 2 diet Coke, 2 Mt. Dew, 1 Sprite)

Concession stands will open at 6:30 during the performances.

Art students are making candy bar wrappers and will work concessions on Thurs night. Susie is asking music, orchestra, and drama students to work the other nights.


Sarah has organized breakfast for the Wed morning matinee, and the evening performances.

A hat will be passed at Tuesdays dress rehearsal to help the Strands pay for pizza.

Cast Party:

The Strands have volunteered to let the cast have the cast party at the Assembly of God Church. Ping- Pong, pool tables and VCR’s are available.

The decision was made to buy 5 6ft. subs to serve .($57 each), The cost for each student will be $3. They will also be asked to bring either chips or bars to the party.

Reminder –Flowers need to be bought for the directors of the play.


Fine Arts Boosters


Treasurer report:

Deposits - $4,031.08

Expenditures - $674.22

Checkbook Balance - $3356.86

Outstanding playbill ads to be collected - $580.00

Outstanding Expenses - $2, 748.47

Profit - approximately $1,200

Old Business:

2005 School Musical Recap:


Susie Meyer turned in detailed notes on concession sales. This was a successful venture and profited over $500.00.

Students who were selling concessions stole some money. Officer Else is investigating this. Suggestions were made to monitor sales and accounting procedures more closely.

Because of a mix-up on the delivery of our pop order we only sold water at the concession stand. Water was very popular and we will consider eliminating pop sales at future events.

Non-chocolate candy was also very popular.

Taking concessions into the PAC for sales was very successful.

Flower sales profited over $200.00


The playbill looked great! Thank you Glenda Walth and her committee!

Some ads were a bit blurry and refunds were made to those advertisers.

In order to have more time to develop next year’s playbill we will meet in the summer to start the planning process.

Cast Party:

Lots of positive comments! A very successful party.

We do need a better count of the number of people who will be attending. We had adequate amounts of food but were short on money collected. The Fine Arts Committee unanimously voted to write a check to LeAnn Sawyer for $80.00 to cover costs.

Behind The Scenes:

Plenty of food was donated for the cast. Concern was raised over wasted bottles of water. We will look into having souvenir "coozies" made that the kids can label to keep track of their bottles.

In order to speed up the T-shirt ordering process, a suggestion was made to add a section to the musical try-out form that would ask for the cast member’s T-shirt size.

New Business:

Hall of Fame Dinner Theater:

A Dinner Theater \ Recognition Banquet is set for May 13th.

Tim shared an e-mail from Mr. Talcott stating that he and Kevin Brick will handle the entertainment portion of the evening. Mr. Talcott is working on the food and beverages and has contacted 4 inductees to the Hall of Fame. A district- wide mailing will be sent out. The Fine Arts Boosters will be needed to supervise student waiters and dishwashers. More information will be coming.


Should we send out a mailing in the fall to recruit parents?

Should we have a requiting meeting for Fine Arts Parents in the fall? (Similar to the meeting that parents of athletes are reguired to attend) Should middle school be included?

We will set up a summer meeting to work on by-law issues.

Next Meeting is tentatively set for 4-27-05 @ 7:00 in the BVHS Commons


Fine Arts Boosters


Members present: Susie Meyer, Kari Bigelow, Cindy Bakke, Cindy Swenson, Rhonda Britzman, Leann Sawyer, Greg Talcott

The meeting started with Mr. Talcott giving us his vision of how he would like to see this group develop.

1. Recognize students for their achievement in the Arts.

A. Display photos (similar to the Athletic wall and the Academic wall)

B. Purchase a large trophy case to display awards near the entrance to the PAC

2. Fund Raising

A. Continue to develop a Playbill that can be used for an entire year.( initially used for the Musical and then used for the next years concerts, plays and performances)

B. Dinner Theater. Options include having a meal before the Sat evening performance of the spring musical, or having a dessert reception afterward. Tickets could be sold along with premier seating for the play. He recommended a talent show similar to the one that was held last year to be produced occasionally (every 5 yrs?) rather than on a yearly basis, in order to build a pool of talent to choose from.

3. The Fine Arts Boosters would follow the Band Parents model of having representation from each area of the Fine Arts at Fine Arts Booster meetings (Choir, Art Theater…), and eventually blend with the Band Parents Organization to acknowledge achievements and develop a combined playbill etc.

Later in the meeting, parent members discussed a need for the Fine Arts Boosters to be incorporated and registered with the state in order to fund raise legally. Cindy Bakke will look into this.

Members discussed whether there was a need to organize a mandatory parent meeting similar to the athletic parent meeting. Students involved in fine arts activities need to be aware of eligibility requirements just as the athletes are. A decision was made to dismiss this idea for the 2005-2006 school year.

Parent members also agreed that the main focus of the Fine Arts Boosters was to assist teachers in coordinating volunteers for their extracurricular activities, recognize outstanding fine arts achievement, and to support Fine Arts at BVHS. They chose to remain a separate organization at this time, but would like to keep in contact with the band parents organization to possibly work together on specific projects such as fund raising for the large trophy case.

Next Meeting will be held on Sept 28th 2005 @ 7:30
in the High School Commons.
Everyone is Welcome!

Fine Arts Boosters


Members present: Susie Meyer, Kari Bigelow, Rhonda Britzman, Cindy Bakke,
Cindy Swenson

Cindy Bakke reported on an informal meeting with Ms. Koehn on F.A.B. goals and how F.A.B might meet the needs of the Oral Interp program.

The Art Club, and the cast of the fall play have asked if we would be able to help organize their T-shirt orders. Susie volunteered to look into this. The Art Club also asked that we would provide a reception at their Spring Art Show in May.

Cindy B. printed an information sheet that describes the goals of the Fine Arts Boosters, and asks for parent names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. This information will be used to find volunteers for fine art activities. These forms were given to fine arts teachers to hand out to their students and will also be available at the Orchestra and Chorus concert on October 11th.

The Fine Arts Boosters are planning a reception after the Fall Chorus and Orchestra concert. Cindy S will call volunteers to bring cookies. Cindy B will fill out facility use forms. Kari will buy napkins, cups, and juice. Susie and Kari will set up a table to recruit volunteers for F.A.B.

Cindy S will organize flower sales for the Fall Play.

There was a discussion on how receptive students would be to having lockers decorated before performances and competitions. Would they prefer to be recognized as a group with large banners in the commons, or individually on their lockers? Or would they rather not have parents involved at all?

Next Meeting October 18, 2005 at 7:00
in the Commons


Fine Arts Boosters


Members present: Cindy Bakke, Rhonda Britzman, Kari Bigelow, LeAnn Sawyer, Cindy Swenson

Open Discussion:
We did not get an ad in the paper to advertise for the Fall Play. Perhaps doing an article on the play would be more beneficial than running an ad.

A question was raised as to who will buy pizza for the cast of the fall play before their dress rehearsal. The
Strand family has organized this in the past. In order to keep from depleting our funds too quickly, a decision was made to ask the cast to donate $2 for the pizza and the FAB will pick up any difference needed. LeAnn will order pizza from Dominoes and will deliver it to school.

Thanks to parents who donated cookies for the Orchestra and Chorus concert in October.

We discussed the need to amend the audition forms for school plays so that names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses could be obtained early and be used to contact parent volunteers.

Cindy reported that the FAB had earned nearly $400 by working concessions on October 14th. We will look into getting into the concession rotation so that we can plan on using this as a yearly fund raiser.

Programs to plan for in upcoming meetings:
One Act Play
Christmas Chorus and Orchestra Concerts.

Next Meeting: November 8th @ 7:00PM
BVHS Commons


Fine Arts Boosters


Members present: Cindy Bakke, Rhonda Britzman, Cindy Swenson, LeAnn Sawyer, Kari Bigelow, Susie Meyer

Open Discussion
Cindy Bakke reported that Mr.Talcott has offered to organize a Dinner Theater again this year. He suggested having it in conjunction with the spring musical. Booster members requested a meeting with Mr. Talcott and Mr. Brick to discuss the possibility of assisting with the dinner, and to discuss other options available. Concerns were voiced as to whether or not we could meet staffing needs to help with the dinner and still cover concessions, flower sales, backstage help…

It is time to get started on the spring Playbill. We need to get notes on last year’s program from Glenda Walth. Who will head up the project this year?

Fine Arts Boosters are incorporated. The articles of incorporation were notarized at this meeting.

Cindy B reported that $761.00 was earned by selling concessions at the October 14th football game (revised total)

There is a chorus/orchestra concert on Dec 19th. Refreshments need to be organized.
Should we request to speak and promote FAB at this concert?

There is also a great need to get names and phone numbers of parents whose children are involved in fine arts activities. We believe that most parents would be willing to help and support this group if we could just find a way to contact them.

Next Meeting: Dec 6th @7:00pm
in the HS Commons


Fine Arts Boosters


Members present: Cindy Bakke, Rhonda Britzman, LeAnn Sawyer, Becky Blue, Cindy Swenson

Chorus - Orchestra Concert / Fab membership
Fine arts boosters will be serving cookies after the chorus/orchestra concert on Dec 19th. Approximately 30 dozen cookies are needed. We still need a source of parent names and phone numbers to contact volunteers to donate cookies for this project. We feel that most parents would willingly supply cookies if we could just find a way to get the names and phone numbers of parents of chorus and orchestra students. LeAnn volunteered to make up a form for Mr. Gullickson to pass around his classroom requesting this information.

We will also ask if we can speak between the chorus and orchestra performances to promote the Fine arts Boosters Organization. A Fine Arts Booster sign up sheet will be included in the program that evening.

Fund Raising
The Fine arts Boosters will look into the possibility of selling concessions for the Prairie Rep performances that will be held in the Brandon PAC this summer.
Another option for raising funds might be to raise the ticket price of the musical performances. Both options will be researched.

Development of a new playbill needs to begin at the next meeting. Anyone interested in assisting with this project is encouraged to attend the January meeting.
Oral Interp members who achieved Superior Awards at State, and All State Chorus participants will be acknowledged in the playbill.

Fund Raiser for the Wright family
In memory of Johannah and Dane Wright, and their contributions to BVHS Fine Arts Programs, the Fine Arts Boosters will set up a free will donation table at the Dec 19th concert. Donations will be contributed to the Wright Family Memorial Fund.

Next Meeting will be held on Jan 10th at 7:00pm
in the BVHS Commons


Fine Arts Boosters


Mandatory Fall Meeting

Members discussed the need for a Mandatory Fine Arts Meeting that would be similar to the Mandatory Athletic Meeting that is held each fall. Fine Arts teachers and administration would need to be involved in the organization of this meeting. The agenda for the meeting would include:

*Promoting fine arts activities and competitions,
*Discussion of any fund raising plans,
*Discussion of student eligibility rules and responsibilities for participation in Fine Arts activities,
*Sign up sheets for parent volunteers (cookies etc)
*Recruitment of parent representatives for FAB from each grade for each of the 4 areas of the arts (theater, art, chorus, orchestra)


Members would like to see a parent meeting before or soon after the musical tryouts. Discussion would include:

*Questions and answers
*Costume needs and or requirements
*Reminders of SDHSAA rules and regulations
*Prop and set needs
*Flower sales
*Cast party
*Rehearsal treats
*Pizza for dress rehearsal
*Backstage food during shows

Variety Show

What does Mr. Gullickson need from us for the Variety Show? Concessions? Flower Sales? 50-50 raffle? Advertising?

One Act Plays

FAB will provide water (approx. 60 bottles) in the dressing rooms for the 3 performing schools on Jan 30th. (courtesy of BV Fine Arts Parents)  Concessions will not be sold.


A Playbill committee needs to be formed. Cindy Swenson will contact parents who have expressed interest in helping to develop this year’s playbill. Will the Art Club design a BV Fine Arts Logo that could be used for the cover? A letter needs to be drafted to perspective advertisers. Ideas to be included in the playbill are: articles from teachers recapping All State Chorus, Oral Interp Superiors, One Act Play Competition. Art Club recognition, Trivia, Profiles of last years Hall of Fame Inductees…. The playbill will be used for the Musical, Fall Play, One Act Performance, and Chorus and Orchestra Concerts. It will have center inserts that will be changed for each of these performances.

Next meeting will be held at Pizza Ranch on Sunday Feb 5th at 2:00pm